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By completing the questionnaire, you provide Qalcul with information on your drug and its market which is incorporated in our quantitative model to provide estimates on the number of patients potentially and effectively covered by type of coverage.

The Qalcul quantitative model was designed by combining our expertise and our statistical calculations on provincial drug markets. It takes into consideration public-private plans interaction as well as universal plans in certain provinces.

Qalcul’s quantitative model combines multiple data sources to generate high-quality estimates for the entire Canadian market.

Schéma données Qalcul FR

The Qalcul estimator engine is updated once a year with the most recent available statistics and data.
Regardless of the reference year of the various sources, all estimates in the quantitative engine are standardized to the year 2023. For information, these are the reference years of the data sources used in Qalcul.

- The reference year of population data by province and age group is 2023.
- The reference year of private plan coverage statistics is 2023.
- The reference year of public plans coverage statistics is fiscal 2021-2022 for a majority of provinces and fiscal 2020-2021 for a minority.
- Eligibility rules of provincial universal/catastrophic drug plans are current. They may be adjusted if provincial governments change their rules.
- The reference year of family income statistics is 2022.


Experts at Qalcul have a vast experience of the Canadian drug market and possess in-depth knowledge of the pharmaceutical policies of each province. Our quantitative model was designed by combining this expertise with detailed calculations for each provincial market. It takes into consideration public-private plans interaction as well as the impact of universal plans.

Public plans

Estimates of the public plans segment were based on statistics and rules published by each Canadian province defining eligible populations (seniors, social assistance, disabled persons, universal plans, other specific groups).

Universal plans (public)

Calculations regarding universal plans incorporate family income thresholds and deductibles specific to each province with income-based eligibility.

Private plans

Estimates of the private plans segment incorporate statistics on Canadian private insurers, their market share, the geographical break down of their beneficiaries across provinces as well as plan type (open, managed, public-mimicking).

Precedence of public plan

In certain cases, an individual could have access to both a public and a private plan. To avoid double-counting, if your product is reimbursed by both their public and private plan, the individual will be counted only once in the ''public plan'' segment (assumed as first payer).

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